Python script to generate CSV file for importing notes
import csv# This is fixed like the CSV templatefieldnames = ['title','image','content','type','op1','op2','op3','op4','op5','correct_op','explain']# Sample data, you can replace it with any iterator data = [ ["In the Scoville scale, what is the hottest chemical?","Resiniferatoxin"], ["Dry ice is the solid form of what substance?","Carbon dioxide"],]withopen('notes.csv', 'w', newline='')as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader()for row in data:# Row data will depends on the note type writer.writerow({'title': row[0],'type': "Flash card", # "Multiple choice", "Type answer" or "Flash card"'explain': row[2], })